Friday, September 19, 2014

Helping Others Help Themselves

This week has been crazy for me. I will work a total of 58 hours and only be paid for 40 of them because I'm salaried. My son's birthday is this weekend and on top of that I have at least 4 friends (which is the majority of them) going through some shit right now. I am the type of person who will drop what I'm doing for my friends. I put my life on the back burner to be there for them in their time of need. I'll give them my last, my all. That's just who I am and how I'll always be. I said all of that to say that I woke up this morning tired, mentally and physically drained. I can't wait until next weekend when I get to go and recharge because it is definitely needed.

Two out of the 4 friends who are going through some shit managed to piss me off this week, well within the past 2 days. As much as I want them to do better for themselves and as much as I'm willing to help, I had to tell myself last night that they have to want it more than I do. I can give them all of the resources, all of the assistance, all of the positive words in the world, but until they are tired of being in the situations that they are in and feeling the way that they do nothing will change. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. I had to remind myself (more like my best friend reminded me) that I too was just in the same boat recently. I was in a bad relationship, and I needed to get out of it. As much as my friends saw it and encouraged me to leave, I had to leave on my own time. I had to get fed up. I finally did, and I left. But, while I was in it I had my friends support. No matter how tired they were of hearing about him and what he was doing to me. They supported me through it. So while EYE don't necessarily like the situations my friends are in, and while it angers me beyond words, I have to support them through it. As much as I want to, I can't fix it for them. As draining as it is on me, I still have to be there. Because if not me then who?

So as I continue to field excuses and attend pitty parties, I also continue to provide resources and assistance. I continue to provide positive words of encouragement, support and love. Eventually I will toughen up on the love a little bit because sometimes that's what's needed. Sometimes you have to give people the truth with no sugar, no filter. While it may sting initially, the shock value in it may get them to wake up and take action for themselves. And THAT is all that I really want for them.

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