Saturday, May 28, 2011

Message in a Movie

Yes I'm a big movie person, and 90% of the time I go to the movies alone (I enjoy them better that way). And...being pregnant in the summertime gives me a perfect reason to go to the movies, so I have my summer line up all ready. Well today I went to see Hangover 2 (an ok movie in my opinion) and Kung Fu Panda 2. Yes I also love cartoon/kiddie movies and I will go to them by myself like I'm a big kid. (I can't wait for Cars 2 and The Smurfs to come out later this summer).

Anyway, God decided to speak to me through the movie Kung Fu Panda 2. I went to see it because I thought that part 1 was a cool movie. While I'm sitting in the theater with a bunch of little kids (who probably were too young to get the message) and their parents, I was just amazed at the message that was radiating from the screen. Basically the movie is about Poe's quest for inner peace, and at the end of the movie he realizes that in order to obtain this inner peace that he has to let the scars of the past heal and to move past them. Funny right...cuz I just blogged about how much hurt and pain I was in. The pain that I was in was so bad I didn't even know what to pray and ask God to do about it. All I could do was cry out his name, and have faith that He already knew and could understand from just that one word. And I am so happy that I serve a God who does understand one word prayers because He's been answering it ever since I cried it.

The first thing that God told me was that I had to let go of the hurt. For me sometimes this can be hard, but I was able to do so with His help. I woke up one morning and I sent Aiden's father a very long text message, and once I was done with that message I had officially let go of all of the hurt and pain that he had caused me. I had to realize that holding on to that hurt and trying to use that hurt to get him to do right by his son wasn't going to work. I had to let go and let God deal with him, and just pray that eventually he'll come around and do what is right for Aiden.

The second message that God sent me was through the movie. Now that I've let go of this mass amount of pain and hurt, I have to let the scars from it heal, and I have to search for an inner peace. I know this part is going to take some time, but letting go of the hurt was a giant step in the right direction. So now, instead of focusing on the cause of the pain, and focusing on the pain focus is on obtaining an inner peace that will heal the scars that this pain has left on me. The first stop on this quest for inner peace is the church house. Now that I stay less than 5 minutes away from my church I have no reason not to be in attendance more regularly. From that point I am sure that God will lead me and guide me in the direction that I need to go.

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